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    2 Book Lovers Reviews

Dark Hollow

By Brian Keene

There is nothing quite like mixing a little bit of mythical creature to up the ante on a horror story.  Brian Keene has done a fantastic job of mixing old with new:  satyrs frolicking with young ladies in the woods (alright, there was a lot more than just frolicking going on), a novelist in Pennsylvania starting his new story.

Dark Hollow certainly started off with a bang.  It has one of those what? what?  what? moments that makes me read on in a frenzy.  It is a fast-paced story that is constantly in a building mode; Adam Senft hardly has any time to breathe, nor do the readers.

I really enjoyed how Keene built up his characters.  All of them are important and detailed, they are unique, and most importantly, recognizable.  My personal favorite was Big Steve, Adam’s dog.  Big Steve was as unique as any of the other characters and brought some fabulous comic relief to the story.

It is hard to find an author who can properly balance the humor in a horror novel.  It needs to be there, unless you go really dark, but you don’t want the story to become a horror-comedy.  Keene walked this line perfectly.  The tension was high, the danger was real, the story was dark and I enjoyed a chuckle or two.

As an introduction to Brain Keene, Dark Hollow was great.  I now know what I should expect from him in the future and look forward to more adventures.

*4 Stars